Tiny Space, Big Harvest: Your Guide to Gardening in Tight Spaces 

Guide to Gardening in Tight Spaces 

Grow fresh food, create a green haven, and maximize your space, no matter how small your balcony, windowsill, or yard. 

Having little to no yard doesn’t have to mean missing out on the joys of gardening and fresh, homegrown food. The concept of “farming” your garden extends far beyond sprawling fields and applies just as well to tiny balconies, windowsills, and even compact yards in townhomes. This post is your comprehensive guide to getting started on your very own urban oasis, no matter how limited your space may seem. 
Plan Your Urban Oasis: Sunlight & Space Solutions 

Before you dive into planting, it’s important to take some time to plan your urban farm. Sunlight is a crucial element for most vegetables and herbs, so the first step is to map out your balcony, windowsill, or yard to identify the areas that receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. This will determine the best placement for your future plants. 

Next, you’ll need to choose the right containers for your urban farm. Pots, planters, and window boxes come in a wide variety of sizes and materials. When selecting containers for your balcony, keep in mind that lightweight materials are ideal for ensuring the safety of the structure. Self-watering containers can also be a great option, offering extra convenience for busy schedules. 
Fueling Your Plants: The Right Soil for Urban Gardening 

Now that you have a plan for sunlight and containers, it’s time to consider the soil. Opting for a high-quality potting mix specifically designed for container gardening is key. These mixes are formulated to be lightweight, drain well, and provide essential nutrients for your plants to thrive, unlike garden soil which can be heavy and compact in containers. 

Picking Your Plants: What Will Grow Well in Your Space? 

With your planning complete, it’s time to select the perfect plants for your urban farm. Leafy greens are a fantastic choice for small spaces. Lettuce, kale, spinach, and swiss chard are all compact growers that will flourish in containers, allowing you to enjoy fresh salads throughout the season. Fresh herbs like basil, mint, cilantro, and parsley are another great option. Not only will they add delicious flavor to your meals, but they’ll also fill your balcony with delightful fragrances. And who can forget about the joy of snipping fresh herbs whenever you need them? 

For those with a bit more space, cherry tomatoes are a fantastic choice. These compact tomato plants are perfectly suited for hanging baskets or small containers, rewarding you with a bounty of juicy cherry tomatoes throughout the growing season. Peppers are another great option for small spaces. Bell peppers come in a variety of vibrant colors and require minimal space, so you can enjoy the fruits (or technically vegetables!) of your labor all summer long. 

Living in a small space doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice maximizing your harvest. Here are some clever tips to transform your balcony into a productive urban farm: 

  • Embrace Vertical Gardening: Instead of letting limited floor space dictate your yield, maximize your vertical space by utilizing vertical planters, hanging baskets, and trellises. This ingenious approach allows you to grow vining plants like tomatoes and cucumbers upwards, creating a vertical jungle of deliciousness. 
  • Succession Planting is Your Friend: Get the most out of your containers by employing succession planting. This technique involves planting fast-maturing crops like lettuce and radishes first. Once they’ve been harvested, you can plant slower-growing vegetables in the same container later in the season, maximizing your production throughout the year. 
  • Water Wisely: Because container plants dry out more quickly than those in the ground, it’s essential to water them deeply and regularly, especially during hot weather. Adding a layer of mulch made from organic material around the base of your plants will help retain moisture in the soil, reducing the frequency of watering. 

Even if you don’t have a balcony, there are still ways to bring the joys of urban gardening into your life. Windowsills are fantastic spots to grow herbs and small leafy greens. South-facing windows will offer the most sunlight for your plant life to thrive. 

Do you have a tiny yard yearning to be transformed? Even a compact space can be a productive urban farm. Consider creating raised garden beds. These provide several advantages, including ease of access for planting and tending to your crops, and improved drainage for optimal plant health. 

Grow with Your Community: Resources for Urban Gardeners 

There are many resources available to help you on your urban gardening journey like free apps that can provide personalized planting schedules and care reminders specifically tailored to your balcony garden. Connecting with local gardening clubs is another fantastic way to gain knowledge and tips from fellow urban gardeners. You can also participate in plant swaps, exchanging seedlings and cuttings to expand the variety in your urban oasis. 

Let’s Get Growing 

With a little planning, these handy tips, and a sprinkle of creativity, you can transform your balcony, windowsill, or tiny yard into a thriving urban farm. Enjoy the satisfaction of cultivating your own food, savor the taste of fresh produce you nurtured from seed to harvest, and bring a touch of green and life into your city experience. Happy planting! 

MSR Communities’ new construction townhomes are designed for urban living and with optimal functionality in mind. See our available townhomes here

The Four C’s of Credit and Mortgage Qualification 


What Are the Four C’s of Credit and Mortgage? 

Embarking on the exciting journey to owning a home is like setting sail into a sea of financial decisions. At the heart of this adventure are four essential elements known as the Four C’s of Credit – Credit Score, Capacity, Capital, and Collateral. These are like guiding stars that lenders use to evaluate your readiness for homeownership. Another way to think of them is like keys to a treasure chest, and understanding how lenders look at these aspects is the secret code to unlocking the door to your dream home. 

1. Credit Score: Understanding Its Impact on Mortgages 

The Credit Score is a numerical reflection of your financial history and behavior. Lenders rely on your credit score to assess how trustworthy you are when it comes to managing debts. The higher your score, the smoother your journey towards mortgage approval. Understanding the nuances of your credit score is like deciphering a map that leads you to favorable mortgage terms. 

Imagine your credit score as a report card that summarizes your financial behavior. Let’s say your credit score is like a grade – the higher, the better. Now, consider a situation where you have a credit score of 750. This is an excellent score, like getting an A+ on your financial report card. When it comes to mortgages, this high credit score is like having a stellar academic record. Lenders see it as a sign that you have managed your finances responsibly in the past – paying bills on time, keeping credit card balances low, and overall being a dependable borrower. 

Now, let’s contrast this with a lower credit score, say 550. This is like getting a C on your financial report card. Lenders might see this as a bit of a red flag. It could indicate past financial challenges, missed payments, or high debt levels. While not a deal-breaker, a lower credit score might lead to less favorable mortgage terms. A high credit score often translates to lower interest rates, better loan terms, and more options. It is like being a top student who gets preferred treatment in the academic world. On the other hand, a lower credit score might mean higher interest rates or a need for a larger down payment. 

Understanding your credit score and its impact on your mortgage is like realizing how your academic performance influences your opportunities. Just as good grades open doors in education, a high credit score opens doors to a better mortgage, making your journey to homeownership smoother and more attainable. 

2. Capacity: Assessing Your Financial Ability 

Lenders are looking for assurance that you can comfortably manage your mortgage. Capacity, the second C, involves a close examination of your income, employment stability, and existing debts. By understanding the factors that lenders consider, you can better position yourself towards a mortgage that aligns with your financial capabilities. 

Let’s think about your money situation like getting ready for a camping trip. Imagine you have a backpack, and the size of it represents how much you can comfortably carry and manage. Now, let’s connect this to when you want to buy a home. Your income is like the strength you have to carry the backpack, and the bills and debts you pay each month are like the things already inside it. For example, if you make $7,500 a month and your bills and debts are $2,000, it’s like having a backpack with a load that’s not too heavy. Lenders see this and think, “Okay, this person has enough strength (income) to carry the money load without it being too much.” 

Now, imagine a different situation. If your monthly bills and debts add up to $6,500, leaving you with only $1,000 for everything else, it is like having a backpack that is too heavy for you. Lenders might worry that if they add a mortgage (A significant financial responsibility) to this load, it could be too much for you. So, when lenders check your financial ability for a mortgage, they are making sure your backpack is the right size. They want to ensure you have enough income strength to carry the money load without it being too hard. Understanding your financial ability helps you plan for a mortgage that fits well with what you can comfortably manage. 

3. Capital: The Role of Your Assets in Mortgage Approval 

Your assets are not just possessions; they are valuable players in the mortgage game. Capital, the third C, encompasses everything you own – savings, investments, and valuable possessions. Understanding how lenders assess your savings, investments, and other assets can reveal your financial stability and improve your chances of mortgage approval. 

Let’s talk about your money tools – the things you own that can help you when you want to buy a home. We will call these tools your “capital.” Imagine you have a toolbox, and inside are things like your savings, the money you invested, and valuable items that you own, like a motorcycle or an extra car. Now, when you are thinking about getting a mortgage to buy a home, these tools become important. They are like having a stash of resources that you can use to show lenders that you are financially strong. 

For instance, let us say you have $40,000 in savings, a small investment account, and a valuable piece of jewelry. It is like having a toolbox with tools that can help you when you want to buy a home. Lenders like to see this because it is like you are saying, “Hey, look at all these tools I have! If anything happens, I can use them to help with the home related expense.” Now, let us think about a different situation. If you do not have much in your toolbox, just a little bit of savings, it is like having fewer tools. Having a well-stocked toolbox with more valuable tools can make the process smoother. 

So, when lenders check your capital for mortgage approval, they are basically looking at your toolbox to see if you have enough tools to manage the financial responsibility that comes with home-buying. Understanding your capital helps you show lenders that you are financially prepared and can make your journey to homeownership a bit easier. 

4. Collateral: Securing Your Loan with Property 

Collateral, the final C, is the security lenders seek for your mortgage. It is the property you intend to purchase – the very reason for your financial journey. Lenders seek assurance by using the property as collateral, ensuring they have a security net. Understanding the types of properties that serve as favorable collateral gives you insight into how to navigate this critical part of the journey. 

 Let’s talk about using something important to make sure a bank can assist you in buying a home. This crucial thing is known as “collateral.” Imagine you have a special keepsake or a favorite watch, something that is valuable to you. Now, let us say you want to borrow money from a bank to buy a new car. You can tell the bank, “Hey, if anything happens and I can’t pay back the money, you can keep my favorite watch as a promise.” So, in this case, your watch is collateral. It is something valuable you give to the bank to make them feel safer about giving you the money. 

Now, let’s think about buying a home. The property you want to buy, like a house can be the collateral. You tell the bank, “If anything goes wrong and I can’t pay back the money for the home, you can take the house as a promise.” Having good collateral, like a valuable home, makes the bank more confident in helping you buy it. It is like saying, “I really care about this home, and I’ll do my best to pay back the money. But if something unexpected happens, you can take the home to cover the cost.” 

So, when we talk about collateral in getting a home loan, it is like using something important to make sure the bank feels secure about helping you achieve your dream of owning a home. 


Your journey to homeownership starts with understanding how lenders assess your financial readiness. The Four C’s of Credit – Credit Score, Capacity, Capital, and Collateral – act as your roadmap to navigating this crucial step. 

• Maintaining a high credit score demonstrates your responsible financial history, opening doors to favorable mortgage terms. 

• Assessing your financial capacity ensures you choose a mortgage that aligns comfortably with your income and existing obligations. 

• Building your capital through savings, investments, and valuable assets showcases your financial stability and strengthens your application. 

• Considering the property as collateral reassures the lender of your commitment and provides them with a safety net. 

By working on improving each of these areas, you empower yourself to unlock the door to your dream home with greater confidence and clarity. This knowledge equips you to embark on your homeownership journey with a sense of control and a roadmap for success. 

If you are considering new construction in your home search, explore our new construction homes for sale in Bothell and the surrounding cities. We are excited to help you find and craft your dream home. 

*Disclaimer: While MSR Communities is a trusted resource for building your dream home, this article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We recommend consulting with a qualified mortgage professional to discuss your specific financial situation and eligibility for a home loan. They can provide personalized guidance and ensure you make informed decisions throughout the home buying process. 

A Guide for Spring Color Trends for 2024 

Spring Color Trends

Spring whispers the promise of new beginnings, a time for casting off the winter blues and embracing the fresh energy of the season. But how can you bring that feeling of renewal indoors? The answer lies in the transformative power of color. The colors you choose for your home environment have a profound impact on the way you feel and experience your space. A well-chosen color palette can create a sense of calm and relaxation, invigorate your mood, or even boost your creativity. 
For example, soft pastels like baby pink, lavender, and mint green evoke feelings of tranquility, perfect for creating a relaxing sanctuary in your bedroom or bathroom. On the other hand, bright and bold colors like sunshine yellow, fuchsia, and electric blue energize and stimulate, ideal for a workspace or a room where you want to feel invigorated. 

This year, two distinct color trends are blossoming, offering a range of options to suit your style, whether you crave a calming retreat or a vibrant burst of energy. So, let’s delve into the top spring color trends for 2024 and explore how you can use them to transform your home into a sanctuary that reflects the joy and renewal of the season. 

1. Soft Pastels: A Breath of Fresh Air 

Imagine a gentle breeze carrying the delicate scent of blossoming flowers through open windows. This is the feeling soft pastels evoke. These calming colors, like baby pink, lavender, mint green, and a touch of sky blue, are reminiscent of spring’s first blooms. They create a serene atmosphere in any room, perfect for fostering relaxation and unwinding after a long day. Here are some specific trendy shades to consider:  
Pale Pink: This delicate shade evokes feelings of peace and romance. 
Lavender: A calming and soothing hue, perfect for promoting relaxation. 
Mint Green: Fresh and airy, mint green brings a hint of nature indoors. 
Glacial Blue: This soft, icy blue adds a touch of serenity and sophistication. 

Now, let’s explore how you can incorporate them into your home: 

Bringing the Tranquility of Spring Indoors: 

  • Living Room: Paint your walls in a soft pastel shade like pale lavender or calming mint green. Add pops of color with throw pillows in contrasting pastel hues, or incorporate artwork that features vibrant spring florals. Opt for light furniture in white or natural wood tones to further enhance the airy feel. 
  • Bedroom: Create a tranquil retreat that lulls you to sleep each night. Soft pastel walls in a calming sky blue or a delicate baby pink set the perfect stage for light, airy bedding in white or cream. Layer in sheer curtains that flutter gently in the breeze, adding a touch of romance and enhancing the feeling of serenity. 
  • Bathroom: Soft pastels are a natural choice for creating a spa-like feel for ultimate relaxation. Use them on walls or towels in calming shades like lavender or sage green. Pair these soft hues with chrome or nickel fixtures for a touch of elegance, creating a space that feels both sophisticated and serene. 

2. Embrace the Energy of Bright and Bold Colors 

Spring is not just about peaceful renewal; it’s also a burst of vibrant energy. If you’re looking for a color palette that reflects this invigorating energy, a bright and bold palette is perfect for you. This trend celebrates the season’s liveliness with colors that are anything but shy, like sunshine yellow, fuchsia, or electric blue. These bold hues are ideal for adding a touch of personality and a burst of cheer to any space.  

Here are some trending, bright and bold colors to consider: 
Apricot Crush: This playful and energetic shade adds a touch of sunshine to any space. 
Orangeade: Similar to apricot crush, but with a touch more zing, orangeade is a cheerful and optimistic color. 
Butter Yellow: Light and cheerful, butter yellow evokes feelings of warmth and happiness. 
Fuchsia: This vibrant pink adds a burst of energy and personality to any room. 
Stark White: While not necessarily bold, stark white provides a clean and bright foundation for a space decorated with pops of bolder colors. 

Now, let’s delve into how you can use them to refresh your home: 
Making Bold Statements: 

  • Dining Room: Liven up mealtimes and create a space that sparks conversation with a bold accent wall in a bright color like sunshine yellow or a playful fuchsia. Balance the vibrancy with white furniture and natural textures like woven placemats and jute rugs for a cohesive look. 
  • Home Office: Spark creativity and boost productivity with a bold feature wall in a color that inspires you, perhaps a stimulating shade of electric blue or a citrusy yellow. Don’t be afraid to add pops of color in your office accessories, like a bright lamp or a colorful file organizer. A stimulating and inspiring workspace can significantly impact your focus and motivation throughout the day. 
  • Entryway: Make a grand first impression with a brightly colored door that sets the tone for the rest of your home. A vibrant coral or a cheerful turquoise can add a touch of personality and instantly brighten your guests’ day. Alternatively, consider a statement rug in a bold geometric pattern to create a welcoming and visually interesting entryway. 

The Takeaway: Unleash Your Inner Designer 
These are just starting points to inspire your creativity. Don’t be afraid to mix and match colors from both palettes or add neutrals like white, gray, or beige for a more balanced look. Consider the natural light in your space as well. Soft pastels work well in rooms with less light, while brighter colors can be used to balance out an abundance of natural light. 
So this spring, embrace these spring color trends for 2024 and transform your home into a vibrant and stylish haven that reflects your unique personality. Let your home be a reflection of the joy and renewal that spring brings. 

Are you on the hunt for your own home where you can let your inner design blossom? Explore MSR Communities’ new construction homes for sale and new construction townhomes for sale and select your perfect canvas to decorate with this fresh spring color palette. 

Townhome Living: Pros, Cons, and Costs 

Townhome Living:

Living in a townhouse is a distinct choice that many find appealing, as it brings together the privacy commonly associated with detached homes and the sense of community and cost-effectiveness found in attached housing. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what townhouses really are, and examine both their attributes and aspects. Additionally, we’ll dive into the financial considerations involved in townhouse living. This understanding becomes particularly important, whether you’re stepping into the realm of homeownership for the first time or contemplating a downsizing move. 

What is a Townhome? 

A townhome is a kind of home with more than one level and shared walls with other units. It’s usually part of a group of similar units, sharing things like design and materials. Unlike standalone houses, townhouses are connected, often lined up along streets or within communities. They’re common in both city and suburban areas, giving you a bit of room and privacy like a separate home, along with the cost savings and community vibe of attached housing. 

Understanding the Townhouse Concept: 

  • Space and Layout: 

Townhouses feature multiple floors, creating a unique sense of spaciousness without the need for an extensive home footprint. This encourages an open atmosphere, fostering comfortable movement through various areas. These clever designs optimize the available space, achieving a harmonious balance between comfort and practicality. The layout is specifically crafted to encourage the efficient utilization of space, catering to those who desire a living environment that is not only smart but also highly functional. In essence, townhouses offer a thoughtful and well-designed living space that maximizes every square foot for the residents’ benefit. 

  • Location Benefits: 

Townhouses are usually placed in convenient locations in cities or suburbs, giving you quick access to things like shops, restaurants, and fun activities. This boosts the quality of lifestyle, especially if you like having a lively community around you. What’s more, many townhouses are built near public transport stops, making it easy for people who use buses, trains, or other transportation to get around. This smart positioning of townhouses in the heart of urban or suburban areas really makes life more enjoyable for the people who live there.  

  • Personalization Limitations: 

Living in a townhouse comes with a smart design, but customization options may be more restricted compared to standalone houses. You could have restrictions on external modifications due to shared walls and the influence of homeowners’ associations (HOAs). Being aware of these limitations is vital if you have a strong desire to add a personal touch to your home. Understanding these boundaries ensures that you make informed decisions about personalizing your living space within the specific constraints of townhouse living. 

Advantages of Townhouse Living: 

  1. Cost-Effectiveness: 

One of the best things about townhouses is that they’re usually less expensive than single-family homes. This makes them a good choice for first-time buyers or those wanting an affordable home. The lower cost lets you get into the real estate market more easily. 

  1. Community Amenities: 

Many townhouse communities have shared spaces like trails, a playground, or grassy open area for BBQ’ing or picnics. These spaces make living there more enjoyable, giving you extra options for fun without needing to maintain them yourself. The shared amenities add to the community feeling in the townhouse neighborhood. 

  1. Neighborhood Feel: 

Living close to other townhouses creates a friendly community feeling. You’ll likely know your neighbors, making it easy to socialize and feel secure. The close-knit nature of townhouse neighborhoods helps build relationships. 

  1. Energy Efficiency: 

Having shared walls in townhouses can make them more energy efficient. The closeness of other units reduces heat loss, potentially saving you money on energy bills. This energy-efficient design is good for the environment, making townhouses attractive to those wanting a more sustainable home. 

Disadvantages of Townhouse Living: 

  1. Privacy Considerations: 

One downside of townhouses is that you might have less privacy. Shared walls can mean more noise from your neighbors, and you might not have a lot of outdoor space for yourself. If you really value privacy, townhouse living might be challenging. 

  1. Resale Value: 

While townhouses might be affordable initially, they might not increase in value as much as single-family homes in some places. Thinking about the potential return on investment is crucial if you’re considering a townhouse as a long-term home. 

Cost Analysis: 

  • Affordability: 

One of the primary advantages of townhouses is their general affordability compared to single-family homes. This cost-effectiveness makes townhouses an attractive option for first-time buyers or those seeking cost-effective housing solutions. The lower financial barrier allows individuals and families to enter the real estate market with relative ease. It’s crucial to consider not just the upfront costs but also the long-term financial implications, including mortgage payments, property taxes, and potential homeowners’ association fees. 

  • Expense Considerations: 

While townhouses may be more affordable initially, potential residents should be aware of additional expenses that may arise. Homeowners’ association (HOA) fees, property taxes, and potential assessments for communal area maintenance or repairs are factors that contribute to the overall cost of townhouse living. Understanding these potential expenses helps individuals make informed decisions about their budget and whether townhouse living aligns with their financial goals. 

Maintenance Responsibilities: 

  1. Investment Potential: 

Townhouses can be a good investment because they cost less at the start. But it’s important to think about how much they might go up in value over time. The potential depends on the overall real estate market and where the property is located. 

  1. Maintenance Responsibilities: 

Taking care of a townhouse can be different. The HOA might handle outside maintenance, but you’re often responsible for inside upkeep. Knowing these responsibilities helps you plan for the future and keep your property in good shape. 


Living in a townhouse gives you a unique mix of affordability, community amenities, and energy efficiency. But you need to think about possible drawbacks like privacy concerns and limited personalization. While townhouses offer affordability and potential investment benefits, it’s essential for prospective buyers to consider the full financial picture. Doing a careful cost analysis and understanding your maintenance responsibilities are crucial if you’re thinking about townhouse living. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or downsizing, townhouses offer a housing choice that balances convenience and community living. 

In conclusion, townhouse living is a dynamic and appealing choice for individuals and families seeking a harmonious blend of space, community, and affordability. Prospective homeowners should carefully evaluate the advantages and disadvantages outlined here, ensuring that townhouse living aligns with their lifestyle preferences and long-term housing goals. 

Thinking townhomes might be the perfect fit for you? Explore MSR Communities’ new construction townhomes for sale and get a feel for them first-hand.